Some parasites can live in the human body and how to deal with them?

Before starting ad treatment of parasites, it is important to accurately determine which species is present in the body. It is necessary to find effective methods of treatment, as most medications developed specifically to get rid of hell of a certain type of worms. The main methods of diagnosis that allow us to determine pathogen invasions:

a blood test

  • analysis of stool;
  • analysis of blood: total, as well as immunoassay;
  • swab;
  • analysis of the secrets of the 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • tomography;
  • Ultrasound.

Parasites can be detected with a blood test. After a single negative result, the majority of tests need be repeated. It is necessary to obtain accurate results. If the results of the tests confirmed the presence of worm infestation, it is important to immediately start treatment against worms. It involves 3 successive stages:

  1. Preparation of the body – the use of sorbents, pumpkin seed oil, which intensifies the process of removing accumulated toxins. It lasts 5-7 Zen.
  2. The use of anthelmintic drugs can be the drops or suspension, designed to destroy specific types of parasites:
  3. Baked nematodes will help a broad-spectrum preparations;
  4. The recovery phase helps to restore the normal functioning of the body, the immune system. It involves the use of sorbents, vitamin complexes, and in some cases appointed by other medications.

Treatment of helminthiasis should be under the supervision of a doctor. If talking about infected by tapeworms and flukes, shows the treatment in hospital. Pharmacological medical drugs are very toxic. After their application, there are strong side effect, and it is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. In this regard, many people prefer to get the hell worms with the help of folk medicine. In its Arsenal there are many recipes, which have been effective for centuries. Pronounced effect against worms has a large number of herbs and plants: pumpkin, tansy, wormwood, immortelle, flax, onions, garlic, nuts, pomegranates, and carrots. On their basis prepare decoctions, infusions. They are assigned for oral or cleansing enemas. The latter are intended to combat helminth parasites in the intestine. When choosing a method of treatment please note that the recipe did not contain botanicals, which you are allergic. To minimize the risk of helminth infection, it is important to comply with preventive measures:

  • wash hands before eating, and after visiting the toilet, touching animals;
  • thoroughly washed and scalded fruits, vegetables, greens;
  • subjected to sufficient heat processing of meat, fish;
  • to conduct deworming of Pets.

To prevent parasites, always wash your hands thoroughly. At the first symptoms of helminthiasis, and even if you feel that you could not catch worms, is to go and doctors. He will assign a diagnosis, if necessary, will pick up the funds for treatment against worms.

Or phenomena of Java are worms protozoa

O'clock to hear the phrase that the patient is infected with protozoa worms. You need to understand that the simplest one is exclusively of unicellular microorganisms in extreme cases – those that organize the colony. But they are never many of cell like worms and worms. In the simplest of all the processes occur within the cell cytoplasm and cell nuclei, in an hour like in worms anatomical organization is much more complicated: they have differentiated organs that perform special physiological functions. Therefore, to classify worms and easiest fundamentally wrong. Hours called helminths protozoan parasites in comparison to insects: bedbugs, lice, etc., as the latter are much higher on the evolutionary ladder. In this sense, called worms protozoa allowed.

The most common parasites

Yes, in the most common endoparasites are, of course, helminths (worms), which, according to various estimates, infected more than 80% of the partisans of the planet. A huge number of these parasites are divided into basic types:

  • nematodes – round worms (roundworm, pinworm, Trichinella, whipworm, etc.);
  • cestodes – tapeworms (lantecy, pork and beef tapeworm, tapeworm, etc.);
  • trematodes – worms-flukes (liver, blood, lung, and flukes that live in the intestines).

Hours to get a more General classification, according to which all types of parasites people are divided into:

  • intestinal that parasites in the intestine;
  • tissue, localized in other organs and tissues.


Consider a brief description of the most common types of worms.

Roundworms (nematodes)

  • Roundworm – roundworms are the most common length ad 20 Yes 40 cm, parasites in the small intestine, but first migrate in the human body, affecting the blood and respiratory system. Together with the intestine of these parasites can be detected in the liver and gall bladder, heart and lungs. A common symptom of ascariasis and allergic reaction.
  • Pinworms – small worms Yes 1 cm, which affects the bowel and that lead in with and enterobiasis disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, exhaustion, sleep disorders, etc. the Characteristic symptom of pinworms is itching in the anus, where they lay their eggs.
  • Trichinella – these microscopic worms (their size only a few millimeters) lead to serious diseases – trichinosis, which can if untreated lead to death. Adult species live in humans in the muscles (respiratory, face, etc.), causing muscle pain, fever, swelling, allergic skin rash.
  • Vlasoglavy – small worms (length and 4.5 cm, with the front part of a whole in the form of threads), larvae of which cause trihozefalez with diarrhea, acute abdominal pain and other symptoms that resemble appendicitis. As a result of intoxication anemia.

Tapeworms (cestodes)

  • A tapeworm whose length comes a Yes 10 m, leads the development of difillobotrioz with nausea, weakness, vomiting, unstable chair, asthenia and anemia.
  • Pork tapeworm may length ad 3 Yes 8 m, a parasite mainly in the small intestine and causes two diseases: taeniasis with dyspeptic, asthenic-neurotic and abdominal syndromes, and cysticercosis with ebrietas, intestinal, allergic and respiratory symptoms. According to ad localization tsistitserki affects the muscles, brain, heart, eyes, etc.
  • Beef tapeworm whose length may reach 18 m Yes, causes the beef tapeworm infection is one of the most dangerous types of worms. If you do not do deworming, he can live in the human body and 18-20 years! Is localized in the large intestine, causes severe intoxication with their waste products, as well as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anemia, allergic reactions and problems with the nervous system.
  • Dwarf tapeworm length of only 1.5-5 cm source gimenolepidoz with dyspeptic pain and astheno-neurotic syndromes, hell which affected primarily the digestive and nervous system, and liver.
  • Echinococcus is the most fractional tape worm – its length is from 2, 5 to 8, rarely 9 mm, however, the infection they may threatening consequences such as liver and lung, where they form cysts and tumors which cause dysfunction of these organs.

Worms, flukes (trematodes)

  • Liver flukes, or the liver Fluke is shaped like a sheet with a length of 30-50 mm and a width of 8-13 mm, may sucker. It damages the sheath of the liver and clog the bile ducts that is able to completely block the flow of bile. Can lead to cirrhosis, jaundice and liver cancer.
  • Cat (Siberian) flukes, or cat Fluke, a flat worm with a length of 4-13 mm. Localization – the ducts of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas. Causes opisthorchiasis with the development of gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis up and cancer of the liver, which can lead to death.
  • Lung flukes may ovate, red-brown a h small spines length baked 7,5 and 12 mm with a width of 4-8 mm. Affects the lungs, causing inflammation, pleural effusion, focal fibrosis, and lung cancer. When the penetration into the brain causing encephalitis and meningoencephalitis.
  • Shistosoma (blood flukes) – dioecious worms with a size of 1-2 cm, the eggs of which cause an increase in liver, spleen and lymph nodes, the formation of polyps in the intestine, diarrhea, and granulomatous inflammation that cause and bladder cancer.

Protozoan parasites

Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplazma gondii) is a species of parasites, the main owner of the phenomenon of Java are cats. Also can be carried by warm-blooded animals and humans. Disease caused by per Toxoplasma is called toxoplasmosis. The course of the disease easy, except for the defeat of F. Pallone's inside the mother's womb during pregnancy, which creates serious Esna etnia consequences for both the mother and F. Pallone's, and even death.

Amoeba simple unicellular organism that is considered to be one of the first creatures that lived on Earth. Disease caused by amebae called amoebiasis. Intestinal infection, with a primary ulcerative lesion of the colon with z Java the advent of bloody diarrhea, a possible formation of secondary foci of intestinal, which may a tendency Yes chronic leakage. Malaria parasites – a simple one cell creature, in the development cycle of which man is a time-host and mosquito – permanent. In the human body parasite Plasmodium is presented in 4 types:

  • P. malarie – the four malaria;
  • P. vivax — falciparum malaria;
  • P. ovale — new faces ovale malaria;
  • P. falciparum — tropical malaria;

The length of the interval between bursts depends on the type of pathogen. Besides all this anemia, because the parasite affects the blood cells erythrocytes. The disease can occur in mild or severe form.

Pathways in the body:

  • water through the dirty water;
  • contact – household – when using items, clothing, utensils;
  • alimentary – through the dirty vegetables, fruits, foods that have not undergone heat treatment.

Hours of google + so that media parasites not sick, and only to the phenomena of reality is a carrier and identifies the pathogen in the environment. The development of the disease it is enough to enter the human body only a few Giardia cysts. Leishmania – representatives of this type of phenomenon is Java are the cause of leishmaniasis. Carriers of the phenomenon of Java are mosquitoes. The main contingent of the defeat of the phenomenon of Java are humans, rodents, mammals. For the full development of the pathogenic organism requires two hosts. This mosquito and a vertebrate representative. Human disease caused by Leishmania invasion:

  • visceral lay-smanti (fever dum-Dum) – there is a lesion of the internal organs;
  • lay-smanti skin (Baghdad ulcer) is a skin lesion most often the head, with the subsequent formation of scars;
  • lay-smanti of the skin and mucous membranes is manifested severe destructive lesions of skin and mucous membranes
  • Prevention consists of rehabilitation centers for the breeding of mosquitoes, the destruction of rodents, control of the number of dogs, the burial of dead animals.

Trichomonas – celled flagellated organisms are pear-shaped, causes the disease trichomoniasis, sexually transmitted and affect the genitourinary system. It is noticeable that sick men and women, but in men, the disease is usually asymptomatic. Trypanosoma is a genus of unicellular flagellate protists. Cause severe disease trypanosomiasis, a deadly threat for human phenomena are the sleeping sickness. A carrier of trypanosomes phenomena are bedbugs, tsetse flies. In Celje host the parasite multiplies under the skin, then penetrate the lymphatic system and blood. The majority of pathogens is located in the spinal cord and brain, where it destroys cells and secrete their toxins.

Flat worms

Flat worms, or flukes (trematodes), have a characteristic leaf form of the whole. Their structure is very well organized — they have a digestive, excretory and nervous system. Throughout the life cycle of their owners. Widely used such kinds:

  1. Fluke Siberian (cat Fluke), or opisthorchis. The most common infection is through raw fish, which leads to the phenomena of phenomenon is quite dangerous disease opisthorchiasis. Reproduction of the parasites occurs very quickly, which can cause serious consequences. Worms are yellowish, and their length can exceed 12 m. Anchored in the human body, these parasites provoke internal bleeding, break bile flow, causing dysfunction of the pancreas. Dangerous effects: cholangitis suppurative type, ahilii, cholangiocarcinoma.
  2. Liver Fluke. Intermediate host are the representatives of the cattle, and man becomes infected by eating poorly handled hedgehog meat of dead animals. As a result of infection develops the disease fascioliasis. The size of these worms is relatively small (not more than 5-6 cm), but they can provoke the dangerous disease: hepatic abscesses, cholangitis, hepatitis. Through the blood of the larva of the parasite can spread throughout the body.
  3. Shistosoma. The worm can reside in the blood vessels, consuming blood components. As a result, his life may develop varicose veins, tumors. The main symptom — an intense General intoxication.

Beef tapeworm

Beef tapeworm can reach a length of 12 m. and It is a hermaphrodite that can produce more than 100,000 eggs, they are excreted in the feces. The eggs get into the soil, then into plants, these plants have cattle. In the animal body, the eggs become larvae, which are localized in the muscles. If a person uses a hedgehog in contaminated beef, the larvae enter the intestine. Hell man, so man the larvae are not transmitted.

Adult worms have a head with four suckers, neck and the whole, consisting of segments. The number of segments is constantly growing, Mature segments can be separated hell the worm to crawl out of the man's intestines out.

Beef tapeworm: symptoms

Symptoms of phenomena is nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, increased salivation, dizziness, weakness, nervousness, fatigue, abdominal pain of uncertain localization, allergies, fluctuations in appetite.

In order to bring the beef tapeworm from the body, a schema that consists of 3 stages: preparatory (cleansing the body), treatment with antiparasitic drugs, recovery (diet, herbal medicine).

Tape worms

the intestines

Yes worms ribbon-type, or cestodes, are a variety of flat worms, the length of which can be Ada 2 mm and 10-12 m A such parasites may specific structure — multiple segments, neck and head with suction cups (hooks) for attaching to the scenes. The cestode is a hermaphrodite and the eggs are in the segments. Nutrients the worm sucks through the entire surface of the body.


There are the following common types of tapeworms:

  1. Alveolar. His activity leads to the emergence of a very dangerous disease alveococcosis. Individuals can have a length of more than 4 m. a Feature of these worms phenomenon is the formation at the site of fixation of dense knots balisage shade diameter greater than 2 cm, which resemble a malignant tumor. The most typical localization is the lungs, kidneys and liver. May cause cholangitis and abscess, but also spread to spleen, muscle and brain.
  2. Cepni, or salsera. Widespread varieties such as bovine and pork tapeworm, broad tapeworm. They differ in huge sizes over 10 m, and a large life expectancy — more than 20 years. Beef tapeworm excites disease beef tapeworm infection, and is usually in the small intestine. Seriously etnia complications — cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis. Pork tapeworm slightly less than their "brothers" (length 2-3 m). It becomes the cause of teniasis. A tapeworm is found in such pathology, as difillobotrioz. Contamination is through poorly cooked fish. This worm is able to lead to such consequences: atrophy of the mucosa, glossitis Gunther, leukopenia.

The diseases that they cause

The most dangerous parasites that live in the human body, can provoke a variety of diseases. Very often the illness that provoked specific parasite bears the same name as him. Thus, various types of parasites in humans can cause the following diseases:

  • certain parasites in man (flukes) trematode provoke;
  • the cestodosis occur when you lose tapeworms;
  • if an adult or child in the intestines are the round worms, nematodes that diagnose;
  • leeches cause hirudins;
  • Arctocephalus provoke skrebni.

However, parasites in Celje person can attack one organ.


  1. Lose eye;
  2. Diseases of the digestive tract that cause single-celled parasites and helminths – ascariasis, trichinosis, hookworm, Antares;
  3. Brain diseases – echinococcosis, toxoplasmosis
  4. Dermatological disease – demodicosis, pediculosis, scabies;
  5. Lung pathology – hydatid disease, ascariasis, etc.;
  6. Diseases of the liver, opisthorchis, hydatid disease;
  7. In the mouth, the ears and mouth parasites can cause various types of disease;
  8. Pathology of the heart;
  9. Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  10. Pathology of blood vessels.

Drugs for the treatment of parasitoses

At the present hour there are a number of drugs for the treatment of parasitosis. For the treatment of helminth infections using drugs broad-spectrum and narrow spectrum of action. In addition to these drugs, we recommend taking vitamins, drugs to restore the microflora of the intestine. Contribute to the restoration of microflora and fermented milk products bacterial, but not fungal yeast. To prevent strong allergic reactions use antihistamines and glucocorticoids. To restore the digestive process hours it is advisable to take digestive enzymes, choleretic drugs. In the treatment of helminthiasis, it is worth considering that the modern drugs significantly reduce the ability of worms to resist the digestive enzymes of the body, so find dead worms in the stool is not always possible.

Folk remedies

  • Papaya: papaya seeds are very useful for treatment and withdrawal intestinal worms. They present caricin, which is effective for killing roundworms. Add one teaspoon of seed powder in a glass of water or milk and drink on an empty stomach in the morning daily.
  • Garlic: is very useful for home treatment of intestinal worms. Eat three cloves of garlic skin in the morning for best results.
  • Carrots are very useful for getting the hell tapeworms. Enough to take in the morning on an empty stomach a few spoonfuls of grated carrots.
  • Pumpkin: take approximately one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, clear ad transparent husk, chop and put in 250 ml of boiling water to make an infusion. And then drink it to expel worms from the intestines
  • Pomegranate: the bark, the root and the stems of pomegranate are very effective in killing worms

The most effective phenomenon is the peel of pomegranate. A cold decoction of the bark in the dose of ad 90 and 180 ml should be drunk three times a day, at intervals of one hour.

  • Turmeric: dry powder or juice of turmeric mixed with oil, milk or water is very useful not just for deworming, but also in problems with the intestines, especially chronic diarrhoea.
  • Tincture of birch leaves in brandy. The third part of the dish to fill with birch leaves, pour the brim with brandy and leave for three weeks. Then strain the tincture, mix in equal parts with beet juice, carrots and honey, mix well. Taken three times a day for 100 g of the resulting mixture for 30 minutes Yes food.
  • Tincture of black poplar. Take 40 drops of tincture for 1 hour Yes meals 3 times a day for 20-30 Zen.
  • Infusion of corn stigmas. Take 10 g of corn stigmas pour 200 g of hot boiled water, to insist. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
  • Powder flax seeds and buds of clove. This tool is convenient because it can be put in the dish.
  • Pear juice with pulp made from fresh fruit, carrot juice is recommended for the treatment of children. Drink 50 ml per hour on an empty stomach so eat a week, 10 Zen.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Chewing the raw seeds on an empty stomach, along with a thin green skin (it features a powerful antihelminthic properties). Your daily dose of ad 250 and 400 g of seeds, and then after a couple of hours required to drink a laxative pill. Treatment period 3 hell yeah 5 Zen.
  • The infusion of the grated fresh peel of pomegranate. Weight rind 1 captivity pour boiling water (250 ml), insist in a thermos 1. 5 hours. Filter. Dosage on an empty stomach to drink every 4 hours before you sleep, laxative.
  • 300 ml water 3 tsp. chopped raw material. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, to insist 2 hours, drain. Norm per day: 30 ml of 5 times.
  • S and infusion of wormwood. 500 ml of water taken 3 tbsp of the mixture powder of the dried flowers (or fresh weight). Boil 5 minutes, insist to cool. Filtered. Should take no more than 50 ml at a time, morning, Abed, in the evening on an empty stomach for 5 Zen.
  • Home triad. Collecting dry powder of equal parts of wormwood, spices and tansy used 1 tsp 4 times on an empty stomach during the day, carefully as he ate, drinking clean water.
  • Garlic. To cleanse the body of parasites you need every day in the morning and at night on an empty stomach z Adazi without salt and bread 2 to 4 cloves a week.
  • Ancient anthelmintic miracle recipe: ate to eat in a day salt herring and a large onion. Large Yes of the evening nothing to eat and not drink. Worms Yes, the evening mass will climb out of the intestine with the feces out.

pumpkin seeds

Parasites cannot tolerate red pepper, sorrel, so you need to include in the diet as often as possible. It is both treatment and prevention. In addition, during treatment it is necessary to exclude from the daily menu of sweet, fatty hedgehog. Butter, milk, sweet products, canned food and cured meats. Important in this method of treatment need to starve during the day and empty the intestines by taking z compote of prunes. The next day you need to drink three to four glasses of pumpkin seeds.

In the human body can detect a huge number of different worms-parasites, able to gain a foothold in various internal organs. They cause chronic diseases that can cause severe pathology. When phenomena alenn signs of helminth infections of any type you need to contact the doctor to start appropriate treatment.